Radiology Study

Radiology Study – August 2020

Dear friends and colleagues!

We are glad to present the first issue of our journal in a completely new format. In this issue, a large number of articles and interesting cases from practice dedicated on different radiologic sub-specialisation.

We believe that readers will find in this issue materials that will answer their questions and help in practical work. We are waiting for your letters with questions and suggestions on the subject of the following issues.

Link for download – Radiology Study 

The journal publishes relevant scientific articles on radiology, radionuclide diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics and interventional radiology, including endovascular technologies, as well as other relevant areas of medical imaging and radiotherapy.
The authors of the articles are leading Russian scientists, doctors, young specialists conducting promising research and having extensive experience in the field of radiation diagnosis and therapy, as well as those wishing to promote diagnostics to a new level.

The target audience of the publication-radiologists and radiologists, specialists in ultrasound diagnostics, endovascular surgery, and radiotherapy. We strive to make the journal interesting for health care organizers, chief specialists of the regions, heads, and employees of departments and courses of radiation diagnostics.