ARTICLE TITLE: Incidental findings of the thyroid gland on PET-CT. AUTHORS: Suchilova M.M.1, Korkunova O. A.1, Nikolaev A. E.2, Grishkov S.M.2., Bosin V.Yu.2. INSTITUTIONS: FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH, Russia Research and Practical Clinical Center of Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies, Department…
Radiology Study – April 2019
Dear friends and colleagues!We are glad to present the first issue of our journal in a completely new format. In this issue, a large number of articles and interesting cases from practice dedicated on different radiologic sub-specialisation.We believe that readers…
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All materials for the journal (articles, lectures, clinical cases, etc.) should be sent to this address. Address for correspondence: Address: 127282, Moscow, Shirokaya h.10, c. 2.
About Journal
Radiology Study is the journal publishes relevant scientific articles on radiology, radionuclide diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics and interventional radiology, including endovascular technologies, as well as other relevant areas of medical imaging and radiotherapy. The electronic format of the journal provides wide…