A systematic approach to a cystic pattern in the lungs Mukhutdinova G. Z.1, Tkacheva P. V.1, Nikolaev A. E.2, Blokhin I. A.2,Cherninа V.Yu.2, Gombolevskyi V. A.2, Grishkov S.M.3 1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University Ostrovitianov2. Research and Practical Clinical…
Mammary gland: anatomy
Mammary gland: anatomy Krysanova Aleksandra Vladimirovna resident in the department of radiology in «N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology» оf the Ministry of Health of the RussianFederation Address: Kashirskoe sh. 23, Moscow, Russia E.mail: doctor.krysanova@gmail.com,ORCID: 0000-0002-7640-5296 SPIN: 3661-9078…
Mastitis visualization and BI-RADS
Mastitis visualization and BI-RADS Suchilova М.М.1, Korkunova О.А.1, Tarachkova Е.V. 1, Nikolaev А.Е.2, Khadartseva М.P. 3, Gombolevskii V.А.2 1. FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH, Russia 2. Research and Practical Clinical Center of Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies, Department of Health Care of Moscow,…
Ischial bone apophysitis: a clinical case
Ischial bone apophysitis: a clinical case Smorchkova A.K.1, Gonchar A.P.2, Blokhin I.A.2. 1. I. M. Sechenov First Medical State University, Moscow, Russia. 2. Research and Practical Clinical Center of Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies, Department of Health Care of Moscow. Aim…
Emphysema assessment with ultra-low dose computed tomography in Moscow Lung Cancer Screening.
Emphysema assessment with ultra-low dose computed tomography in Moscow Lung Cancer Screening. Suchilova M.M.1, Korkunova O.A.1, Nikolaev A.E.2, Grishkov S.M. 2., Bosin V.Y.2. 1. FSBEI FPE RMACPE MON Russia 2. Research and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and TelemedicineTechnologies of…
Assessment of thoracic aortic calcification and osteoporosis in Moscow Lung cancer screening: Is there a correlation between these findings?
Assessment of thoracic aortic calcification and osteoporosis in Moscow Lung cancer screening: Is there a correlation between these findings? Korkunova O.A. 1, Suchilova M.M. 1, Nikolaev A.E. 1, Grishkov S.M. 2, Gombolevskii V.A. 1, Bosin V.U. 1 1. Research and…
Methods for assessing the dependence of ADC on temperature with DWI on MRI
Methods for assessing the dependence of ADC on temperature with DWI MRI D.S. Semenov, K.A. Sergunova, E.S. Akhmad, Yu.A. Vasilev. Practical and Clinical Research Center of Diagnostics and Telemedical Technologies, Department of Health Care of Moscow Purpose of the study…
Radiology Study – August 2020
Dear friends and colleagues! We are glad to present the second issue of our journal in a completely new format. In this issue, a large number of articles and interesting cases from practice dedicated on different radiologic sub-specialisation. We believe…
Editorial board
Editorial board: Nizovtsova Lyudmila Arsenyevna, professor, MD, Moscow, Russia. Bosin Viktor Yuryevich, professor, MD, Moscow, Russia. Bulanov Mikhail Nikolayevich, professor, MD, Vladimir, Russia. Fisenko Elena Poliyektovna. professor, MD, Moscow, Russia. Grishkov Sergey Mikhaylovich, PhD, Moscow, Russia. Zelter Pavel Mikhaylovich, PhD,…
Aortic calcification and aneurysm in Moscow Lung Cancer Screening.
ARTICLE TITLE: Aortic calcification and aneurysm in Moscow Lung Cancer Screening.AUTHORS: Korkunova O. A.1, Suchilova M. M.1, Nikolaev A. E.2, Grishkov S.M.2., Gombolevskiy V. А., Bosin V. Yu.INSTITUTIONS:1. FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH, Russia2. Research and Practical Clinical Center of Diagnostics…