Assessment of thoracic aortic calcification and osteoporosis in Moscow Lung cancer screening: Is there a correlation between these findings?
Korkunova O.A. 1, Suchilova M.M. 1, Nikolaev A.E. 1, Grishkov S.M. 2, Gombolevskii V.A. 1, Bosin V.U. 1
1. Research and Practical Clinical Center of Diagnostics and TelemedicineTechnologies, Department of Health Care of Moscow
2. Philips Russia and Central Asia
To assess the correlation between thoracic aortic calcification and osteoporosis in Moscow Lung cancer screening participants.
Materials and methods
A retrospective review included the results of 61ultra-low-dose computed tomography (ultra-LDCT) performed in 57–87 year-old patients of whom 27 (44%) were men and 34 (56 %) were women. The assessment of aortic calcification was performed only in this group. Agatston, Volume, and Mass indices for calcification of the ascending part, the arch, and the descending part of the thoracic aorta were quantitatively evaluated with semiautomatic method using OsiriX (picture1). Quantitative evaluation of vertebral (Th 12, L1)bone mineral density (BMD) was performed withasynchronous QCT-densitometry.
Quantitative evaluation of the aortic calcificationseverity was made with Agatston, Volume and Mass indices, as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis of the incidence of aortic calcification and osteoporosis in Lung cancer screening. The correlation between thoracicaortic calcification and BMD of vertebrae Th12-L1 wasstudied.
It is important to pay attention on the presence ofthoracic aortic calcification when performing ultra-LDCTin lung cancer screening due to this change is associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk which may lead to death of the patient. Attention also must be paid to osteoporosis because its main complication islow-energy fractures development. Despite of the factthat there were no correlation between thoracic aortic calcification and osteoporosis in the study, the search for the correlation should be continued by measuring vertebral BMD at the level of aortic calcification where quantitative evaluation was performed which is an interesting task for further research.
aortic calcification, osteoporosis, ultra-low dosecomputed tomography
Korkunova Olga Andreevna E-mail:
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